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You do not get a mirror. The prop is poorly made and the gimmick is worst! Gimmick is very thin and difficult to handle. The main prop is thin, but a bit thicker than the gimmick. To make the trick work you really must shake the prop in your hand. Unless you have a very large hand, you will have some bit of trouble holding the prop as instructions direct. After the first trick of card appearing, you must take the prop out of sight to reset the prop to make the second trick work, that of the face of a lady appearing. Good news: instead of a face, you could have another different card appear, or other variations of your own invention. Prop not made well enough for doing the trick before the public, as gimmick could expose itself due to props poor construction. But, it might work well enough in very low light. Trick best suited for your own amusement or to have a new toy for other magicians to see.
2011-02-10Magic Card Mirror