Encyclopedia of Card Tricks- Hard Cover
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks (Hard Cover) – The Ultimate Compendium of Card Magic!
Discover the definitive resource for card magic with the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks, a monumental collection of over 600 professional card tricks, compiled from decades of magic journals.
Rich History: This comprehensive volume gathers the best tricks from some of the world's greatest magicians, providing a complete course on card tricks spanning over forty years.
Diverse Techniques: Inside, you'll find a wide variety of tricks including impromptu card tricks, spelling tricks, "You Do As I Do" tricks, and specialized techniques using key cards, slick cards, and more.
Extensive Coverage: The book features tricks based on unique packs like the Svengali, Mene-Tekel, and stripper packs, along with miscellaneous classics such as The Case of the Four Kings and Card in the Orange.
Essential Techniques: A dedicated chapter explains crucial sleights like the overhand shuffle, false cuts, double lifts, and many more, ensuring you have the skills needed to perform each trick effectively.
Quality Compilation: Originally compiled by Dr. Wilhelm Von Deusen and Glenn G. Gravatt, and revised by Jean Hugard, this hard cover edition is a well-organized and accessible guide for both professional and amateur magicians.
With 402 pages, 66 illustrations, and clear instructions, the Encyclopedia of Card Tricks is an indispensable addition to any magician's library—perfect for mystifying friends or entertaining children!