Super Color Changing Wreaths
Super Color Changing Wreaths – Stunning Silk and Wreath Transformation
Super Color Changing Wreaths is a visually striking effect that will leave your audience amazed. The magician begins by showing three white wreaths and an empty paper bag. One by one, each wreath is placed inside the bag, and a colored silk is pushed through a hole in the bag. When the wreath is pulled out, it has magically transformed to match the color of the silk.
This process is repeated with the remaining wreaths, each changing to a different color. Finally, the three colored wreaths are placed back inside the bag, and all three silks are pushed through the hole. When the wreaths are removed, nothing seems to have changed. But then, with a flourish, the wreaths are thrown into the air, and they instantly combine to form a large tricolored wreath!
Order the Super Color Changing Wreaths today and add a stunning visual transformation to your routine!